web design & development/SEO/PPC
Our “Split the Difference” process puts you, the client, in a much better position for success.
We have 6 easy steps to providing what you want.
1: The Mind Split- as a team, we decide what your site should be accomplishing. This will help
us determine what platform (Wordpress or HTML5) to build in. Are you interested in SEO
rankings, providing information, selling a product or service, just having a web presence or
all of the above? Our initial client audit will help everyone determine what the best direction
for success will be and more importantly, how to get there.
2: Split it up- There are several components to a website. Split will break down each step in the
building process into an easy to understand timeline and procedures format so that everyone
is on the same page in regards to where the site “is” during construction.
3: In a Split- Before you know it, you’ll have 2 homepage layouts, color schemes, and platform
options to choose from. At Split, we believe that our client involvement from the start, should
give us an excellent foundation from which to begin. We will also provide you a detailed map
of the site and functionality. If, after we present you two options, you decide that you don’t
like them and would rather go a different direction; no problem, and no charge. We pride
ourselves on being different and having an edge that nobody else can claim. But it’s
certainly not for everyone and we understand that.
4: Split your pants- The back-end. This is where it gets serious. Before initial development
begins, you’ll have been provided a detailed layout of functionality (step 3). Basically, what
happens when you click on stuff. Where does it take you and why? During the Split your
pants step, the design, feel, flow and functionality have already been determined and we’re
simply following the plan, building the site.
5: Splitting Hairs- 3 times during the development of your site, you’ll have the option of making
changes. The first option comes after the index (Homepage) has been designed and
developed. The second comes 10 days after that and the third and final change can take
place before we go live.
6: Split up: We upload the site to a server and take it live. Then we sit back and watch your
HTML 5 vs. Wordpress
There is not a clear choice or a single answer for this question. There are many variables to take into consideration before you make the decision about what’s best for you. First of all, if you are still wondering what Wordpress or HTML is, the basic information to know is: HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, and is the behind the scenes coding language that makes us able to see objects such as images and structured text online. HTML5 is the latest HTML update, which adds capabilities to deal with elements like video, audio, and graphic animation.
On the other hand, Wordpress is one of the most popular content management in blog publishing applications. It was released as blog engine; however it has turn into a full feature customizable website creation tool. Then, Both HTML5 and Wordpress can be an appropriate Content Management Solution (CMS) but to make your decision on which option is the most suitable for your company or personal website, it is important that you ask yourself the following questions:
Are you going to do SEO and SEM?
Search engines update continually. According to Google’s web masters support page, the Googlebot (the program that does the fetching) discovers new and updated pages to be added to the index through the process of “crawling”. It continuously visits sitemap data provided by web masters to detect links on each page and adds them to its list of pages to crawl. Also, the program determines if the content is relevant to the user’s query so the site will rank well for a keyword.
On one side, Wordpress provides a lot of plug-ins and SEO is pretty much built-in because as we said before, it was build as a blogging platform. Nonetheless, you will still have to add in SEO. On the other hand, HML5 allows you to use advance SEO techniques like incorporation of social media and implementing elements of the social graphs, so it adapts quickly to the changes on the search engines. But, you will surely need to have good knowledge about it.

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Social Media Marketing & Management/Retargeting
Social media marketing is the use of platforms and to promote a product or service. Most of these social media platforms have their own built-in data analytics tools, which enable companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns. Companies address a range of stakeholders through social media marketing including current and potential customers, current and potential employees, , , and the general public. On a strategic level, social media marketing includes the management of the implementation of a marketing campaign, , setting the scope (e.g. more active or passive use) and the establishment of a firm's desired social media "culture" and "tone". To use social media effectively, firms should learn to allow customers and Internet users to post (e.g., online comments, product reviews, etc.), rather than use marketer-prepared copy. While social media marketing is often associated with companies, as of 2016, a range of and government organizations are engaging in social media marketing of their programs or services.
When companies join these social channels, consumers can interact with them directly. That interaction can be more personal to users than traditional methods of advertising. Social networking sites are essentially e-word of mouth. The Internet is capable of reaching billions across the globe and has given online word of mouth a powerful voice and far reach. The ability to rapidly change buying patterns, product or service acquisition and activity is defined as an influence network. Social networking sites allow followers to "retweet" or "repost" comments made by others about a product being promoted, which occurs quite frequently on some social media sites. By repeating the message, the user's connections are able to see the message, therefore reaching more people. Because the information about the product is being put out there and is getting repeated, more traffic is brought to the product/company.
Social media can be used as a communication channel targeting very specific audiences. Technologies predating social media, such as broadcast TV and newspapers can also provide advertisers with a fairly targeted audience, given that an ad placed during a sports game or in the sports section of a newspaper is likely to be read by sports fans. However, social media websites can target even more precisely. Using digital tools, advertisers can target their ads to very specific demographics. Google Adsense does this by searching within social media users online posts and comments. It would be hard for a TV station or newspaper to provide ads that are this targeted. Hypertargeting not only uses public profile information but also information that users submit that is private from the public. Using customer influencers can be a very efficient and cost-effective method to launch new products or services.
Formatting Your Web Ads
Accepted file formats: JPG, GIF, or HTML
File size: Maximum 150KB
Most popular ad sizes:
• Medium rectangle: 300×250
• Leaderboard: 728×90
• Wide skyscraper: 160×600
• Large rectangle: 300x600
• Mobile leaderboard: 320×50
• Billboard: 970x250
Additional ad sizes: Split also supports these additional ad sizes. Since we are only able to serve an ad if the available ad space matches, performance of less popular ad sizes may not be as high.
• Banner: 468×60
• Square: 250×250
• Small square: 200×200
• Rectangle: 336×280
• Skyscraper: 120×600
• Rectangle: 180×150
• Vertical banner: 120×240
• Button: 125×125
• Button 2: 120x60
• Additional ad sizes: 300x100 and 645x60
Additional Requirements
• Animation: No animated ads
• Border: Any ads featuring a white or black background are required to have a 1 px border of a distinguishing color around the perimeter of the ad in order to
separate it from page content.
• Destination URL:
• Web banners are not permitted to use redirecting URLs. Track campaign analytics with UTM tracking codes instead.
• Banners cannot link directly into a payment processor (e.g., PayPal). Visitors must be able to review terms of the offer prior to entering purchasing/sign-up
Native Ads
• Ad Sizes: 600x500 (Recommended), 600x600, 600x315
• Ad Requirements:
• No text in your ad image
• A catchy headline (60 characters maximum, 35-45 recommended)
Formatting your Facebook Image
File Format: JPEG, GIF (static), PNG
File size: Maximum 8MB
Image Size: 600x315 (rendered as 254x133)
Title (required): 25 characters recommended, including spaces
Text (required): 90 characters recommended, including spaces
Link Description (optional): 200 characters recommended, including spaces
Display link: This is how you format the URL that will appear on your ad. It links to the website URL that you submit when you set up your profile. Check Settings > Advertiser Profiles to make sure that your website URL is specified correctly.
Ad Image Text Limitation: Facebook requires that only 20% or less of an ad image is text, as images with minimal text are more engaging. Text includes books, posters, text-printed apparel, etc.
Creative Specifications and Best Practices
• Image ratio is 1:1 : must be a square
• Must be a photograph/picture
• Dimensions: 600 x 600
• File size: 10MB
• File type: .jpg, .png
• Text: 20% or less of image, includes logo
• No borders or letterboxing
Caption and Copy
• Recommended caption length: 125 characters (max. 300 characters)
• Tags must point to a real account
• You can select your CTA from a set list:
• Shop Now
• Learn More
• Book Now
• Contact Us
• Sign Up
• Watch More
• Download
• None
Destination URLs
• Set the corresponding destination URL where you want the user to go when they tap the CTA
Other Specifications
• All existing Facebook ad policies apply:
• Mentioning "Facebook:" must be text and spelled correctly, and you can't use the Facebook logo
• No promoting illegal activities
• Alcohol / gambling are allowed but you must use age targeting for appropriate ages
• No selling illegal drugs, tobacco, unsafe supplements, weapons, or adult products
• Can't include: copyright / trademark infringement, adult content, shocking / sensational, personal attributes, misleading content, controversial political issues, auto-play content, non-functional landing, spyware, bad grammar, images with non-existent functionality, before and after images
• Must haves: relevant content, accurate representation of product / service / company, relevant landing page
• Can’t use targeting to discriminate
• Data restrictions: no sharing of data to any broker / vendor etc, only use aggregated and anonymized data, don’t build user profiles
Carousel Ads (Managed accounts only)
Ad requirements:
• Caption: Required, 300 characters max
• One destination URL for all images in the ad
• 3-5 ad images
• CTA button text: select a CTA from the set list for static Instagram ads (above)
Individual image requirements:
• Ad image: 600x600 or 1200x1200
• Max file size: 8MB
• No caption or additional destination URL for the child ads. Your carousel ad has one destination URL and one CTA shared by all images in the carousel.
Best Practices
Execution is crucial. The Instagram community creates, curates, and appreciates high quality content – your ads should be nothing less!
To make sure our advertisers are set up for success, we recommend the following best practices:
• Important elements for high quality pictures
• Thoughtful composition (framing and balance)
• Use of symmetry or asymmetry
• Lighting
• Creative incorporation of your brand
• We recommend incorporating your brand into your photo if possible. Whether it’s including a logo, an iconic brand element, or a brand color, your branding should look and feel natural. Without a logo, the ad will just be a pretty picture.
• Highly recommended for prospecting campaigns. Branding is necessary for ad recall and brand linkage.
• Ad concept
• Similar to any other type of digital campaign, we recommend conceptual consistency. If the campaign has 4 images, the 4 photos should look like they belong in a series together.
Don't want to deal with all of this? Let Split handle the entire process for you from start to finish!To schedule a consultation, simply fill in the form below